Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Another day of idling around. My female owner went to school at about 1000hr with high hopes of getting some RA work done. The only things she accomplished at 1700hr were to 1) get the computer to work 2) obtain the key to her supervisor’s room 3) claim for 20 more hours of (undone) work 4) open some envelopes. She probably could claim an hour for those miscellaneous work.

You must be wondering what she did with the remaining hours. Hmm…she brought a new friend around campus for three hours, MSN, emails, calls, banking etc…

And she realised with glee that she is one of the few coursework students who has her own office in school (because of her RA work). Not that she minds hanging around the computer lab coz that’s where exchange of valuable information takes place.

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook