Wednesday, September 30, 2009


My female owner rejected two lunch appointments today to stay home to do some statistics for her research work/ thesis (the boundaries are blurring, she doesn’t quite know what goes towards what). She also wanted to have some time to herself, after so many days of socialising.

8 hours after she started work, she is still struggling through basic statistical concepts.

What’s the difference between standard error of mean and standard error of measurement? Are they interchangeable?

How do you calculate test-retest reliability using SPSS?

Most importantly, how do you calculate reliability change index?

Hour by hour, she feels herself sinking deeper and couldn’t help but mentally sprouting vulgarities at herself (you know, at her stupidity, lack of understanding etc etc). Her anxiety and neuroticism are in full gear today. In desperation, she actually turned to Wikipedia and random websites for some ideas. By now, she is feeling mentally spent and physically stoned. Her room is in a big mess, with things lying around, surely an outward manifestation of the clutter in her mind. Her mood low and her sense of hope, microscopic. She started hallucinating about chocolate chip cookies. Okay, I’m kidding. She just wished she had some to munch on. Even the thought of celebrating Mooncake Festival tomorrow with some friends failed to excite her. Feeling lousy and highly anti-social, my female owner reckons that she will hibernate at home till the end of the week (and hope that no one notices her absence so that she doesn’t have to answer questions).

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook