Wednesday, September 16, 2009


My female owner had a conversation with her Functional Fren today, after a long while. She always appreciates friends updating her about their lives coz it helps her to feel connected to her friends and also valued (like, they bothered to keep her in the loop about their lives).

So anyway, FF started of the MSN exchange by alerting her to his latest FB update, which, unsurprisingly, is a MBTI analysis of his career choice. Now, FF and her had countless conversations about MBTI. He even did an analysis of her, before knowing her profile, and got it right.

Curious, my female owner attempted the same FB quiz... and going through the questions, she started to wonder what might happen if she didnt get the same result as always. Her profile had always been consistently INFP. And surprise surprise, her result was as per usual, INFP! For some reason, my female owner expected something else to appear. Anyway, my female owner can imagine herself in any of the careers suggested. Hmmm..


INFP - The Idealist

You are a special and sensitive individual that needs a career which is more than just a job. You need to feel that what you do everyday has special meaning and can live your life in accordance to your strong value system. You are focused on constant growth and have a positive outlook on life. Because you are driven to do find meaning and purpose in your work, you will be happiest in careers where you are allowed to work towards those values you hold and towards the greater good of humanity as a whole. Many of the great writers of the world have been INFPs.

Some of your personality traits include:
* Strong value systems
* Warmly interested in people
* Service-oriented, usually putting the needs of others above your own
* Loyal and devoted to people and causes
* Future-oriented
* Growth-oriented; always want to be growing in a positive direction
* Creative and inspirational
* Flexible and laid-back, unless a ruling principle is violated
* Sensitive and complex
* Dislike dealing with details and routine work
* Original and individualistic - "out of the mainstream"
* Excellent written communication skills
* Prefer to work alone, and may have problems working on teams
* Value deep and authentic relationships
* Want to be seen and appreciated for who you are

Some of your suggested careers are:
* Writer
* Counselor / Social Worker
* Teacher / Professor
* Psychologist
* Psychiatrist
* Musician
* Clergy / Religious Workers

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook