Monday, August 10, 2009


My female owner woke up on the dot at 0800hr. Ok, I’m not really being accurate here. She woke up earlier…about 0740hr… but snoozed till 0800hr, which was her targeted wake-up time anyway.

Despite the blues she had yesterday (she says it’s a combination of work stress, helplessness, restlessness, pre-holidays jitters – she’s going on holidays again?!, guilt, looming assignment deadline, hormones, personality, habit, self-sabotage tendencies, lingering smell of cigarette, etc etc), she got up with a sense of purpose, claiming the promise that God’s mercies are new every morning.

Not really looking forward to the day coz it’s just going to be work, work and work (err.. doesn’t help that I reminded her that it’s a public holiday in Singapore today!) but looking forward to going through it with God.

Everyone, have a good day! I'm going back to the sun. Trying to get tan before my female owner comes home. She's always harping about me being yellow. I mean, she doesn't like green and yellow (and purple and sometimes orange and strawberry pink.. gosh, the list goes on) but I guess I rather be "normal" and green (like the rest of my siblings) than to be a flashing yellow light in her line of vision.

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook