Friday, February 05, 2010


One thing my female owner says about her ex boyfriend is that despite his simple dress sense (think grey top and blue jeans), he has a good eye for female clothes that look good.

Before they got together, my female owner once asked him to accompany her on a shopping attempt to replace a black (sexy) top that she had borrowed from an acquaintance but had accidentally damaged while ironing it. After multiple try-ons along the Orchard Road stretch, they settled on this replacement top which her acquaintance later said was nicer than the damaged top.

Another time (this was after they got together), they were out on a random date when he saw this professional-looking top which he insisted that she buys. It was more than $50 and normally, she would not buy tops in that price range. But he was insistent and so she did (yah, she paid for it herself).

Until now, many years later, she is still getting compliments whenever she wears the top. Just today, she received some more, the best of which was, “you look younger! Like early 20s”. Wah, how can that be?

So yah, some credit to him for a good eye for clothes.

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook