Monday, June 15, 2009


My female owner has been preoccupied with her coming examination and her chronically-depressive placement that she hadn’t had much time to think about other things. This afternoon, she decided to sneak in a short snooze (i.e. 5mins) before carrying on her revision. Just as her head hit her pillow, her memory suddenly reminded her that tomorrow is the 16th of June.

What’s that?

That’s the second anniversary of her break-up with ex number 2 aka the best thing that ever happened to her in recent history. Without realising it, two years had flown by.

She spent the first year reeling from the effects of the doomed relationship. The support from her friends was instrumental in accelerating her re-entry into singlehood. She embraced singlehood with vigour, glee and liberation. Half a year later, through God’s provision and grace, she ended up in Brisbane, pursuing her long-time dream of postgraduate education in psychology. Good Friday 2008, she received a revelation of God’s promise of healing from the relationship and that set her free. 16 June 2008, she set herself free from one year of mourning (not of the demise of the relationship, but of her stupidity).

And tomorrow concludes the second year of her singlehood. Over the past year, she has seen God’s slow but sure restoration and healing in this area of her life. She is “not there” yet. Occasionally, she still gets the urge to sprout some feminist comment but more often than not, she is able to hold back such unedifying comments.

My female owner reckons that although she is not sure if she is ready (psychologically, emotionally and spiritually) for a relationship, at the end of the day, she would prefer to get married and have a family, than to remain single. At the same time, even though her biological clock is running out of battery, my female owner would rather let it run out and be single, than to settle down for the sake of settling down with an incompatible man. Not worth the heartache! So yah, this area of her life is now in God’s hands.

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook