Tuesday, April 20, 2010


My female owner finally had time to slow down and be by herself. And not be too heavily stressed by her thesis (it’s called avoidance, but at least now she has the chance to avoid). The previous week had been another social week. A new Housemate moved in and that meant having to adjust to a new person in the house. New routine, new habits, less space. With three gals in the house, it somehow became easier for people to come over for casual dinners and fellowship. The last I checked her diary, she either had friends over every night of the week/ home-cooked dinners/ DVDs/ went out for dinners and such.

So many social events. She started to wonder how much is too much. The house was a constant buzz of activities. She really liked the people who were coming over for fellowship so that was ok (unlike the first house she stayed, where she didn’t know more than half of the people who streamed in on an almost daily basis).

It’s just that her quiet self suffered (in silence, no less). Passive and shy, it didn’t have the opportunity to connect with her other selves. The social self that makes people think she is fun to be with. That professional self as she interacts with patients and supervisors. That intellectual self that kept the rest of her selves awake at night as she ploughed on to develop a decent looking thesis.

I think my female owner needs respite from social interactions. E-communication is fine. Just not face-to-face.

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook