Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Serendipity – is it for real?

That is my female owner’s current MSN tagline. She had it on, ever since she watched the movie with some of her friends last Tuesday (that’s like a week ago!). She didn’t change it, simply because she couldn’t think of any other better lines to put up.

Innocuous it was not. Mr Nice Guy apparently got triggered by this tagline and started talking to my female owner. According to her, it was the longest conversation she ever had with him (note: Mr Nice Guy is a man of few written words, so even 15mins is considered long).

In summary, he was firstly disputing the notion that there is ONE right guy/ soul mate out there for my female owner. He then went on to encourage my female owner to pursue the guy she likes (none in existent, so that was hard for my female owner to follow), saying that guys are waiting for her first move. My female owner was totally lost at this point in time, that sounds like a role reversal.

Anyway, it was refreshing to hear an older guy’s perspective and common sense as it may be, my female owner’s take-away from that discussion was that she should find someone who can support her through her weaknesses as she supports the guy through his. We’ll see.

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook