Saturday, October 30, 2010


Well… it’s exactly two more months before my female owner’s birthday. This upcoming birthday promises to be different from the previous ones she had. For one, it marks the reaching of a milestone (leave you to figure out what milestone that is).

In addition to that, my female owner has earlier decided to celebrate her birthday across two continents for the first time in her life. Hence, she would be doing an early celebration with her Australian friends and going back home in time to celebrate with her family and friends. With regards to the early celebration, for the first time in her life (or as far as she can remember), someone has actually offered to plan a party for her. And this party is not just organising a dinner plus buying a birthday cake/ gift but actually banding people together to cook a dinner (western style apparently), complete with appropriate ambience. The flip side is that because it is labour intensive, only a handful of friends can be invited.

Sounds exciting; something for her to look forward to, as the year closes in on her like a rushing river.

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook