Monday, October 25, 2010


Today, she felt brain-dead by 1730hr even though she probably didn’t overuse her brain. She finally found out why, after spending about 2 hours by herself.

She needed her metime, even if it meant just clearing emails and other admin stuff. My female owner had such an intense weekend that she didn’t quite realise that it was over until it dawned upon her on Sunday night that she didn’t have the chance to do her laundry. And even today, she had an intense(ly social) day.

Here’s what I mean.

Saturday – woke up early. Spent whole day with Emo Sponge, to accompany him for house-hunting and ended up engaging in “deeper” chats. Joined by two other friends for early dinner and night movie. Met more people briefly at the cinema (after her movie) coz they were watching the movie after.
Sunday – woke up early to accompany housemate to the Gold Coast to test-drive her dream car. Joined by Emo Sponge for early lunch and beach-watching. Went to church, caught up with two friends whom she had not seen for a month. Went for big group dinner.
Monday – woke up early to help Emo Sponge with his rental car issues (i.e. driving through heavy traffic). Proceeded to the hospital to sign papers for employment (1.75hrs!). Went on to uni to meet a friend for lunch and to accompany him for grocery-shopping. Back to the Valley to help Emo Sponge with car.

No wonder she was flat-out. She had been accompanying people to do all the stuff that they needed to get done, that she had forgotten about herself. This is to the point where she is too disengaged to cook or even get groceries.

ES: “didn’t you get groceries when you were with your friend?”
FO: “nooo… was too lazy to…”
ES (grins): “ain’t groceries a must? Not a luxury?”
FO: “oh yah! Aiyah, dun care liao..”

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook