Wednesday, October 06, 2010


Okay, it’s like officially the third day of “nothing to do”. My female owner was already bored to tears yesterday. Luckily it was Terrific Tuesday yesterday, so she was able to rent cheap DVDs at $1 each (with some spillover effects today). She has a backlog of movies to catch up on.

Really being idle is not her style, but yet also her style. How shall I put it? My female owner struggles to cope with having nothing purposeful to do, but yet there are some things waiting for her to attend to – like writing manuscripts, checking up on PR/ registration matter, practicing her instruments etc. I guess she just needs to have some kind of deadline or event to look forward to, or she will end up feeling lost and meaningless.

On the job-hunt side, my female owner has sent in 11 applications for temporary administration positions. She has received three rejections and non-responses from the rest. She reckons that she is not selling herself right. She knows that she is “overqualified” but has already customised her resume to highlight her relevant administration skills.

She is also trying to hookwink herself into a temporary locum position at a local hospital. Not sure if things will work out because she has not graduated yet. Worse comes to worst, she will just count down to her mother’s coming on 4 Dec. But that is like 2 months away! What a waste of time not to be doing anything constructive.

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook