Tuesday, August 10, 2010


My female owner has a prolonged mental gymnastics session today, as she tried to work out how to address all her supervisor’s comments and feedback for her thesis. The process, while not depressive (thankfully)...yt, sucked out all her vitality, spark and emotions. She was just robotic, going through the motion and trying to fire-fight. At the back of her mind, she wonders if she can complete her thesis in time and occasionally, would kick herself for being so ambitious.

Anyway, one crucial procedure for submitting a thesis is to have it proofread by a naïve reader, someone who has no privy to what the thesis is about. However, it is not easy to get a good naïve reader, given that firstly, the person must be willing to go through the torture of reading a thick write-up which is an instant cure for insomnia and secondly, the person must be psychologically-minded in order to be able to digest the material. My anal female owner has other criteria as well, such as command of English better than hers, cleverer than her, able to give critical feedback, work under tight time pressure etc. (sounds as if she is looking for a partner actually). My female owner almost convinced herself that she could do without a proofreader but she decided that it was not a wise choice.

And so, my female owner approached Special Fren who fit the criteria perfectly. And best part was, he readily agreed to help her out. My female owner tried to warn him of the humongous task ahead but he was game for it. True friend, says my female owner.

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook