Monday, August 16, 2010


Did I mention that my female owner had a crying session last Friday, as she tried to rerun her stats to confirm her results? Having almost reached saturated point, she started making even more mistakes even as she tried to double-check her analyses and data entry. It reached a point where she couldn’t go on anymore and she started crying, the whimpering type of crying… not the tears of frustration type. But the tears of helplessness.

Mr S who was chatting with her on FB told her to take a break and she started to tell him how inapt she felt, that she couldn’t even do the simplest thing of checking numbers. And his reply was short and sweet, that she couldn’t do it, coz she was too smart for it. And she should leave such things to people with simple minds, like him.

In spite of her angst, my female owner couldn’t help but laugh at what he said (things people say to cheer you up). She promptly remembered the last time this laugh-and-cry-dichotomous-split-personality appeared – on the day when she was leaving for Brisbane this year. Special Fren brought her around to run her (last minute) errands and while approaching her house. My female owner was feeling sad so she started to cry. Special Fren then played her a Malay song which had touching words. He sang the song in English in a highly ticklish manner that also made her laugh. And she ended up really laughing and crying and freaking him out in the process. Classic moments with my female owner.

Today, she was struggling with interpreting her statistical findings. Her uni fren couldn’t figure out any statistical explanation for the weird patterns and started to question her supervisor’s decision making. My female owner also wanted to cry (she’s so fragile these days!). Then her friend started to make a parody of her situation. “So, your discussion would go something like this: I did correlations and didn’t find anything significant, but I decided to move on to regressions just in case there’s something happening there. And now that I did and found significant results, I can’t really explain what happened, and think that my sample size was too small to start with. Crap.”

My female owner ended up laughing over the silliness of the situation.

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook