Tuesday, March 30, 2010


My female owner’s patience is running thin for certain groups of people. One such group is people who make a mountain out of a molehill.

My female owner recently had a lighthearted discussion with some people where most sated that they could not bring themselves to tell a friend if he/she has body odour. Hence, most of them would just put up with the discomfort. That discussion took place last week and my female owner thought it was over.

Just today, one of them broached the subject on MSN and immediately quoted a verse from the Bible about how the wounds of a friend are better that kisses of an enemy. That, to my female owner, was so off. Not wanting to waste time and energy engaging in a theological argument or pointing out how he had take the issue out of context (there are more to this episode, just that my female owner is skipping the in-between details), my female owner’s reply was “and your point being?”

That was enough for this person to back off with an “erm, never mind”.

Moral victory, so claims my female owner. In the past, she would have explained where she was coming from and her perspective on the issue. But now, she doesn’t want to waste time debating on matters which are unimportant to her. After all, as her Best Fern always says, "I've got limited time and resources".

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook