Tuesday, October 13, 2009


My female owner has been wondering about life after graduation. Although it is a good 12 months away, she knows that it is time to start thinking about “what’s next?”.

She doesn’t know.

Brisbane or Singapore? Or elsewhere? Having found some decent company (but not many she will count as frens, if you know what I mean) and gotten used to the slower, more relaxing pace of life, my female owner is reluctant to return to Singapore (for good) too quickly. Yet, Brisbane has never felt real. To her, it's like a dream land, where she escapes for 3 years... before returning to the "real world" of work and erm, work? Won't that mean being back to square one? What a waste of time.

Save for her “doctorate”, she reckons she is far behind in every other aspect of life. It’s the same old story: no career, no savings, no family of her own. Friends, those who matter to her, are far ahead of her. The feeling of being left behind is real.

At the same time, she knows that this will happen when she chose to take this path, a path which brought her out of her comfort zone, and threw her into the deep end. A path which will occupy her for three years. If she had a choice, she would still choose this path again. In fact, she might have chosen to take it earlier… or through another means, but yes, this path again.

Now, she doesn’t really know where this path leads to. No idea at all. While she is trying to figure it out, my female owner has decided to enjoy the rest of this path. She knows that God has more things in store for her, and that when the time is right, He will reveal more to her.

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook