Wednesday, November 11, 2009


This must be the longest break I ever took, in updating my turtle pad. My female owner had been getting harder to nail down and getting updates from her is sheer hard work (remember how much slower we turtles are, compared to you humans).

Anyway, a look at her organiser for the past week showed that she had been occupied with a few major events. They are namely, moving house (again!) and entertaining her friends from Singapore (more on that next time), while still fulfilling her weekly obligations of research work, placement and church activities.

My female owner is in the midst of transitions (will talk more about this in future) and suffered a mini anxiety bout just now, as she realised how far behind she is in her work. But then again, just 2 days of intense work is likely to fix her up. It’s now a matter of sitting down to complete those work obligations.

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook