Sunday, September 02, 2007

criteria for feeding tank

One of my female owner's friend expressed concern about the size of our bathing tub (see previous entry). He felt that it was too small for us. Indeed, he is right. It's quite a squeeze for four active terrapins actually. Not that my female owner had much of a choice.

You see, she had strict criteria for our feeding tank (its not really a bathing tub).

First, it has to be made of clear plastic (so that we can look through it to see outside/ we wont feel like we are in a prison cell).
Second, it has to be bigger than our first feeding tank (or else what for upgrade).
Third, it cannot be too big! (or else she will have difficulties carrying the container to the kitchen balcony to clean).
Fourth, it has to be low enough that we can climb out of the container by ourselves (she didnt want us to be cooped up in the container against our will)
Fifth, it cannot be too expensive (its only a container at the end of the day).

With such criteria, it's no wonder that she couldn't find a suitable container for a long time. My owners finally found something that fitted criteria 1-4. But my female owner thought that it was not worth it to pay $20 for a plastic container. So she was hesitant about getting it. My male owner saved the day by paying for it.

Now, we are all benefitting from it. As you can see, the container is low enough for us to climb in and out as and when we feel like it. So we have access to water, especially on those hot days when we need to cool off.


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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook