Tuesday, November 06, 2007


Counselling can be emotionally draining. My female owner kinda reached a breaking point today when she saw a client who has several issues. Because of the complexity of the problems, she felt inadequate and unequipped to deal with his situation. She ended the session feeling lousy about her competency as a counsellor and wondering if she had done her client more harm than good.

During lunch, she went through a defusing session (why do humans use such big words?) with a counsellor friend. Basically, it was a time when she could talk to someone about the session and resolve her emotional issues. She spent the time arguing for her personal and professional beliefs, exploring where she could have done better for future cases (?! she still want to take up such cases?!) and also receiving guidance from a more experienced counsellor.

Guess she ended up feeling better about the whole thing and armed with new ideas on how to handle such cases. Bet the client would never, in his wildest dreams, know the kind of impact he had on her.

Pet therapy is so much easier! We just surround our human friends with unconditional attention and affection and they will feel better! Try it!

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook