Saturday, November 10, 2007

growing sideways

The events of the recent months have taken a toil on my female owner and it's showing. In other words, she is beginning to be like me - getting rounder and fatter and her clothes (for me, it would be my shell) don't really fit anymore.

There was a time when things were "happy-go-lucky" for her and she would play badminton up to three times aweek. Alas, her badminton kakis started to leave her one by one for greener pastures. She also broke up with my male owner who had, a few months before, specially bought a badminton racquet suitable for her playing style. She chose not to keep the racquet for it reminded her of fantasies gone wrong (that they would grow old together playing badminton and developing themselves into a formidable couple). So, she stopped playing badminton altogether, save for the occasional game once or twice a month.

Her gym kakis also vanished into thin air, leaving her with little motivation to hit the gym. To add to that depressing turn of events, she started to get stressed over work and her flute exam, causing her to seek refuge in her favourite de-stressor..... FOOD! All kinds of food - ice-cream, chocolates, fried food, titbits. You name any fattening food, she probably like it. She also started partying, and that meant huge dinners and alcohol...

All roads lead to Rome and the accumulation of all these events over the past few months have led to one major consquence - she put on weight and became flabbier! Wahahaha. Now the owner looks like the pet. Join the club! =p

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook