Wednesday, September 08, 2010


My female owner had a getaway to the Gold Coast last weekend. She had so much fun, she didn’t even have time to tell us turtles about it. The plan was to spend Saturday doing things that her departing housemate wanted to do. So Emo Sponge and my female owner spent the day with her, eating at her favourite restaurant, taking random photos, desserting at Max Brenner. This was the exact re-enactment of her housemate’s birthday last December. The trio then an agreement (dunno real or not) to meet up every year at Sanctuary Cove to celebrate their friendship.

Anyway, here are some photos to capture the day.

The charming restaurant

Freshest seafood, complete with entree and white wine

Do re mi

poor Emo Sponge, he got dragged into girlie stuff! and finally, desserts..

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook