Wednesday, March 07, 2007

"to lose weight"

ever heard of how pets will resemble their owners? for example, if the owner is gentle and kind, the pet is likely to be so. if the owner has curly hair, the pet (if possible) will also have curly fur. i think i take after my female in one area - the uncontrolled eating... and natural consequences that follow (being fat/ lazy).

even though I’m saying this, I’m not admitting to being a greedy turtle. Read my beak (I don’t have lips). What I am saying is, if anyone (including my female owner) wants to accuse me of being fat/ lazy/ greedy, he or she needs to realise that I’m merely taking after my female owner. So it’s not my fault. I’m just predisposed to looking fat/ lazy/ greedy, because of my family background. Yah, I know, some of you might be saying “but you were the one who tried to charm your way to your male owner’s heart at the pet shop” (read the blog “my cute and happy wriggle”). That’s precisely my point, I wasn’t trying to seduce a female human being!

Let me fish out one simple example before I go to bed. Ever since I entered this household (about 4.5 years ago), my female owner has been consistent in one aspect – she is always saying that she want to lose weight. So far, no results.

Recently, she went to the USA for a 2-week holiday. Before she left, she started eating all sorts of local delights, because, in her words “I don’t know if I’m going to come back alive, so this may be my last chance eating local food”. Over there, she lived on instant noodles, canned tuna, biscuits and instant soup. As a result, she came back (yes, she came back alive, so all that gorging was uncalled for) lighter by 2 kg. Ah, her lose-weight-plan has finally kicked into action and bore fruit.

With this newfound weight (she had never been so light for a long while), she went on an eating spree! You know what’s her reason? “I missed local food and it’s time to catch up!” There you have it, she always has a valid reason to indulge in food. I believe that the smaller number on the weighing scale contributed to her current spree. I think her mantra for the next 4.5 years will remain the same – to lose weight.

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook