Tuesday, March 13, 2007

health scare

my female owner had a health scare this morning. She visited us as usual just before heading off for work. She found me in the feeding tank. This is unusual because I would always climb out of the tank within hours of feeding (you will find out why soon). Anyway, she brought me out (so thankful for that!) and walked away. When she returned, she found out that my prolapse returned. She almost went ballistic. Sheesh. I was trying to hide from her, coz I knew she would turn hysterical. Women. So hard to hide things from them.

Anyway, being the well-heeled turtle nurse, she went to fill up this round bucket with water. I always call this round bucket the "Sick Bay" because she keeps us in it whenever we are ill. It's high, so it prevents us from climbing over and mixing with the rest of our siblings. But it's also cramped, we dont even have leg room to stretch. So we feel even more sick being kept in there.

By the time she came back with the water, my prolapse was gone! Really, honest to God, I managed to retract it back in and I was so relieved. Heh, no Sick Bay for me! Alas, my female owner had other plans - she put me in the bucket, as a "just in case" measure. My heart sank all the way to my prolapse.

The only thing that cheered me up was that my elder brothers, Dodo and Dona, left their morning basking spots immediately to check if I was ok. They hovered around the bucket, trying to look in to see if they could do anything for me. I felt so touched. For all the hours I spent talking with Nanook, my sister, she didn't leave her favourite corner to show me some sisterly care. She wore her usual "did-anyone-call-my-name" look on her face. In times like this, I start to understand why my female owner is so exasperated with her.

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook