Tuesday, November 07, 2006


for those who are asking about me, I've fully recovered from my ordeal. The recent illness has made me realised how much my owners care for me. I used to think that my female owner was very "pian xin" - she always spoke affectionately of my brothers and complained about us girls to my male owner (of how lazy we are, how fast we are getting fat, how we ignore her when she comes to find us etc etc) - but now I know, she cares a lot for me too (although she did still complain about how expensive it is to bring me to the Vet, and how she had to take off to bring me there etc). To show my appreciation, I've made it a point to "show face" more often - come out of my dark spots to greet her, allow her to stroke me under my neck, smile at her when she sees me (yes, terrapins do smile too!). All's well that ends well... may peace be with us all..

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook