Saturday, August 25, 2007

something changed

Something changed in our hearts (my siblings and my female owner) these few days. Knowing the male owner had begun his chase of prey again (i.e. finding another partner) had somehow set us free, catalysed us to close a chapter in our lives and given us the courage to live life differently.

For us turtles, we are disappointed that our male owner had given us up so quickly. The develpment was like a fast-moving cancer which separated us in a twinkling of an eye. Nanook and I feel even more upset, because we were handpicked by our male owner and nurtured by him for a few months before he brought (or dumped?) us to my female owner's house.

For my female owner, she wonders for a while how he could have gotten over her so fast.

So what has changed in her heart?
Deep in her heart, she knows that she will never shed another tear for him again.

1 comment:

Johnny said...

This is pretty ironic. Considering the fact that you were the one who wanted to back off, think and re-evaluate a 6 yrs old relationship.
Wanting to go for your Masters, etc etc. How many times in our relationship together, you had taken time off to re-evaluate our relatioship and there were occasions while you were "evaluating our relationship", you went overseas without informing me.

If I didn't recall wrongly, you were the one who said you dun know wat to say to me and cannot face or meet me for a period of time.

Or How about the times you stayed out late, I also standby waiting for you to come home or standby to rush out if your mobile rings asking for help.

Taking into consideration, you are fiercely independent and most of the time I'm left feeling lonely. Remember you apologised for going to New York alone during CNY? Leaving me alone to answer to my parent, Grandmother and relatives...

Now tell me, after enjoying yourself for so long, while I'm working 2 jobs to roll money for our "intended future" and you tell me you need to re-evaluate our 6 yrs old relationship!!!???

I may be a man of few words but that doesn't mean I hve to endure your nonsense reasonings and your oh-so-subtle switching of religious and worldly standards.

Dun you dare judge me? I told you before, I can love you 100% and I can do the exact polar opposite if you strike out on me too many times.

After all this time, you do not even attempt to establish contact with me or tell me "You need me in your life" Instead you just go through the "Oh I can't take it, I dun knw how or wat to say to you" therapy.

I believe I say this to you before: "Stop trying to love me and love me"

Apparently now the whole world seems to think I'm a heartless man. I hve to break my silence even though I'm a man of few words. Forgive me, if i sounded harsh and if you cannot accept my outburst, feel free to delete this post.

I sincerely wish you all the best in your future undertakings and I sincerely, with all the goodness in my heart, pray that you will find a good man who can fufill your needs in ways that I can't.


My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook