Saturday, December 15, 2007

quiet moments

Finally got to see my female owner for more than 5 minutes today. We almost didnt manage to see her today. She had a full day of activites lined up... aikido in the morning, breakfast with her aikido friends, birthday shopping with her mother, badminton, music practice in the afternoon, so that she can perform in town at night, and chill-out with her friends at night.

Then.... she came home in the wee hours of the morning today... after playing bridge with some friends. So she decided to skip aikido + breakfast. Then her mother couldn't make it for shopping and didn't go badminton. So she spent the morning and some parts of the afternoon at home. Yeah!

She crawled into the Balcony and spent some quiet moments with us. We like it very much. Those quiet still moments...


Unknown said...

Still say you got no friendS!! Your turtles are being neglected leh..reminds me of the elderly video we used to screen for VMC lor!

Nooki said...

got elderly video meh?

Unknown said...

wah lau..your VMC is "tou1 gong1 jian2 liao4" one ah...rem the elderly video on neglect, and abuse. watch it dunno how many times? the re-enactments are in black and white. there is a scene where the man drive his dad to hospital and just drive away..abandon the father..but i forgot what the pt of the video is liao

Nooki said...

eh, you doubt yh and me ah? we put in a lot of efforts for training you know...

My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook