Tuesday, December 25, 2007

memories linger

My female owner came home very happy today. She had a whale of a time at her friends' house celebrating Christmas. It was a comfortable group size of six, with diversity in demographics, but similarities in experiences.

During the party, one of her non-Christian friends asked a seemingly innocent question "How do you all usually celebrate Christmas?"

At the very moment, I guess my female owner was stunned... coz for the past 6 years, she had always spent Christmas with my male owner. They got together 7 Christmases ago. She has long forgotten how to celebrate Christmas "alone".

This would be her first Christmas as a swinging bachelorette in a long while. Not that she has any issues with it, just that memories linger and she's a sentimentalist.

Oh well... but as I was saying, I know she had fun today... without getting tipsy.

Yah, it was the exact same group of friends who had to lug her home the other time. This time, they learnt their lesson and collectively sought to reduce her alcohol intake. Strategy worked! (But she still didnt feed us when she came home...)


Unknown said...

actually demographics is the same. all monkeys except 2 :)

Nooki said...

got boys and girls; CMI (not cannot make it hoh!); unattached, married and status unknown; scholar, non-scholar; clever, no-so-clever; below 20, above 20... etc etc

My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook