Friday, December 07, 2007

aikido grading

My female owner is in one of her busy periods again. I think my recent bout of illness knocked her personal life upside down, so she's back with a vengance - to accomplish her other priorities in life.

Her aikido grading is round the corner and she's gearing herself up with extra practices. I know this, because my female owner's mother has to keep washing her gi (she only has two sets). Poor mother.

Today's practice was noteworthy. One, one of her aikido kakis asked her, after grabbing her upper arm, if she lost weight. Wah... I would be happy too, if people said I lost weight. Truth be told, my female owner hasn't been having regular meals these days. Sometimes, she would really forget to eat. Hmmm.... maybe she was trying to accompany me when I lost my appetite recently.

Second, a senior kaki commented to her that she has improved a lot, especially since the previous week. Now, the funny thing was, he did not even train with her today. So what were his comments based on (my female owner is very scientific. She needs evidence and examples in order to be convinced)? Anyway, he said that my female owner is ready for her grading. Yeah!

Third, her instructor said that some brown belts in the class still roll like prata.... and my female owner, paranoid by nature, asked her first dan senior if the instructor was refering to her. The first dan senior always says that my female owner roll like a bag of taohuijui (soya bean milk) or humjingpeng (a pancake). Wahaha. Then to satisfy their curiosity, they asked the instructor whether he was refering to her...


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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook