Friday, February 09, 2007


It has been a long time since I came here. Blame it on the weather. Singapore has suddenly turned really hot and humid. In a water-scarce environment like my balcony, it’s really hard to find the time to think and mediate. All you really wanna do is to snooze your life away. Animals like to hibernate when it’s winter. I prefer to be inactive when it’s hot. Peace is being able to be at rest… when your surroundings become heated up. Anyway, many things have changed since the last time anyone heard from me. One of the most significant thing is this.

Yes, that’s right, a photo of me. My beloved female owner’s digital camera suddenly gave up on life and refused to snap any more photos for her. Either that or the camera has developed an allergic reaction to terrapins. Whatever it is, my female owner was trying to snap a photo of me when the camera blanked out on her. (I must add that I look grouchy because of the weather. Can you imagine wearing a thick turtleneck 24/7 in sunny Singapore??). The camera was never revived. So this photo which you see before you is really precious. It’s the last photo ever taken on her camera! She's quite upset because the camera was a gift from my male owner...


Unknown said...

Omigod..I have nightmares after seeing photos of your turtles..can u pixel them or something?!

Nooki said...

sorry... i dont have photoshop... bear with natural beauty ah

My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook