Monday, May 11, 2009


For a large part of this semester, my female owner struggled with emptiness and disengaged from her coursework. Maybe it is burnout from her gruelling lifestyle last year. Out of the three courses she is taking, she is only enjoying one of it (health psychology). She has issues with the counselling module (on domestic violence) and her externship. I think as you get older, you get more fussy and demanding about getting quality service.

Anyway, her to-do list for her modules is relatively short, compared to last year’s.

  • Three essays (one submitted)
  • One exam
  • Folio/ paperwork/ record-keeping/ general reading for the externship (similar to last year’s internships).

There are only four more weeks till the end of semester (2/3 down!) and yes, the time has come for my female owner to pull up her socks and start to churn out those papers for submission. A painful, agonising and time-consuming exercise. A necessary evil, I suppose, in order to graduate...

Quick quick finish and quick quick come back!

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook