Tuesday, May 26, 2009


My female owner has great doubts about her abilities. She keeps thinking she is never good enough, the work that she is doing is never good enough, she will never be good enough. This is exemplified in her recent assignment, where she spent hours writing and re-writing the essay, because she felt it was not up to standard (well… she could be right actually).

Among many things, Functional Fren urged her to look back into her past experiences and achievements to understand where such self-harming thoughts originated. With skilful questioning and emphasis on certain words she used, he led her to understand how unhealthy vicious cycles had formed in her life. He also helped my female owner to separate herself from her thoughts by pointing out that there was nothing wrong with her as a person... the problem was with her thoughts. In challenging her to work on her dysfunctional core belief, he spelt out her reluctance to move forward “not that you can’t, you won’t”.

Such irony.

A trained counsellor doing CBT on a trained psychologist.

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook