Saturday, May 23, 2009


My female owner has been nursing the feeling that she is losing her friends in Singapore. She hasn’t heard from many of them for quite a while and wonders if this is the sad consequence of being away for too long. It has come to a point where she wonders if there is any point going back to Singapore since she has “no friends” anyway. Yes, she is still in her “no friends” mode for some reasons.

Anyway, what perked her up today was that her beloved aikido sensei wrote her a nice email to update her of his life (good news all the way!) and she even managed to have a short chat with him on MSN.

She misses him. He was someone who believed in her and never failed to encourage her through tough times (whether on the mat or at work). Knowing him changed her life for the better. His kind words, sweet gestures, fabulous story-telling abilities, sincere heart, unending energy, sensitivity and care made it difficult for her to leave Singapore.

Some people and some experiences are just irreplaceable.

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook