Wednesday, July 15, 2009


My female owner’s conscience has caught up with her in more ways than one.

Firstly, her research supervisor is back. Her RA work had come to a standstill since March because of her incompetence in research work. With less than 24 hour’s notice (no thanks to an email she sent him on Monday), she had to give an account of her non-work to her supervisor on Tuesday. Was a super stressful time for her as she prepared herself for the inevitable. Her supervisor was still reasonably kind and gracious towards her, for which my female owner is grateful.

Secondly, the worship coordinator cum guitar teacher (who also lent her his guitar, she calls him 师父 at times) suddenly asked her last night “how is your guitar?”. After all the time he had invested in her, she couldn’t tell him that she hasn’t done much since she played last Friday. Ah, he went on to ask her to practice her guitar one hour a day, before school starts. My female owner meekly agreed coz she knows that she has to practice consistently so that her skills can improve.

This is how my female owner performs generally. She knows what she has to do, but she will only do it when there is an external stimulus. This usually comes in the form of deadlines, accountability to people, examinations. No pressure, no clear goals or directions, no work done. Queen of procrastination.

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook