Wednesday, August 05, 2009


In the midst of her hectic day, my female owner found an opportunity to quieten down and contemplate for a short while. The setting was perfect – dark, still, water feature in front and open sky above.

Sitting by herself, she allowed herself to regress to a child. No longer was she a doctorate student on the way to being a “Dr”. Neither was she a tutor who has to teach and mark assignments and presumably possess more knowledge and experience than her students. Nor a psychologist who is supposed to know all the answers to one’s problems.

In the silence of the night, she was just her. Her public persona peeled away. Her professional façade abandoned. She started talking to God…. And realised that no matter how old she is or how much knowledge she has enmassed, in His eyes, she is still His child. His protection, His love, His care. Never ceasing. Never wavering.

That moment of opening herself up to God was therapeutic. No show to put up, no right words required, no socially accepted emotions to display. Just her.

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook