Wednesday, April 14, 2010


My female owner watched Serendipity with a group of church friends last night. (For those who don’t know, Tuesdays are “cheap” days – fuel, movies, movie rentals and pizzas – cost less). Stressed from work, they just wanted something funny to chill.
Her housemate and her were quite giggly at the beginning, when the movie talked about fate and chance meetings (think Fated Guy). Therapist Fren (who knew my female owner watching the movie – power of technology) called it “movie of her life”. My female owner finally settled down after a while. But she nearly rolled off the sofa when she found out that the female protagonist was a counsellor. Hmmm, how oddly similar.

Anyway, my female owner didn’t think that the plot was similar to Fated Guy and her’s chance encounters. For one, they didn’t have a whale of a time on the first day they met, or even anytime afterwards. For two, there was no mutual romantic attraction and hence, for three, they didn’t even try to look for each other afterwards.

It’s just a movie folks. Move on.

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook