Thursday, April 01, 2010


My female owner finally figured out what happened on Sunday when she had a mini emo outburst in church. She concluded that she was just being hormonal. Literally. Her monthly visitor arrived last night, perhaps a week early. She doesn’t know why, and thought it was a bit annoying since she is all prepped up for an extended weekend which starts like erm, today? But then, she has been in worse situations before, like when her visitor came during her diving weekend, or on the very day when she has a school camp. In recent times, it might have been when she was camping.

Anyway, my female owner also has gotten out of the habit of tracking her monthly cycle. She just knows vaguely when it is expected to start and yah, just react accordingly. How’s that for being nonchalent?

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook