Sunday, January 03, 2010


Against her natural interest, my female owner went with Couple Frens to watch Avatar in 3D. Not a fan of science fiction or fantasy or whatever genre that movie is supposed to be, my female owner wondered if she could follow the storyline, appreciate the special effects or at the very basic level, keep awake for 3 hours. The conclusion? She can see why people would go gaga over the movie.

One line in the movie struck a chord in her: “everything is backwards now, like out there is the true world and in here is the dream”. As the movie progressed, Jake Scully found his avatar more real than his human self.

2008: She was blessed with the chance of pursuing overseas postgrad studies. Even though this was something she wanted to do all along, she struggled with overseas living, felt as if she was living in an unreal, temporary world and pinned deeply for Singapore, her true world, the world she left behind (according to her).

2009: Australia grew on her and she became attracted to the lifestyle, people and opportunities. “Everything is backwards now”. Australia becomes her true world, a place where she has hopes of exploring and living in, and Singapore, a distant dream.

Now, she is wondering, come post 2010, what will be the dream and what will be the true world?

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook