Monday, April 27, 2009


Oh no… the new week has started and my female owner is feeling blue about her upcoming placement again. The mere thought of having to go into the facility and put on a fake smile and happy persona when her actual mood is incongruent to how she feels about the whole arrangement makes her feel sick and hypocritical.

Self-CBT! (as if it works).

She also had a few minor run-ins with an anal diversional therapist (DT) when she ran her first group therapy session last Thursday. Just small things she did or did not do and uncalled for discouraging comments that pissed my female owner.

Being a wet blanket
FO: “yah, it is hard to get a group therapy running but probably the next psychologist who comes in will have a better time, coz the residents here would be used to the idea”

DT: “oh, not really, they would have forgotten everything by then”

WT... Besides the sublimal suggestion that my female owner’s efforts are in vain, this lady is actually saying that all the residents are suffering from severe memory loss. How’s that for stereotyping the very population you are supposed to help?

DT: “Oh, I noticed, as I was moving around that some of the residents were paying attention to what you...”

FO: blank look, wondering what the hidden message was. Finally, she got it …. “and some of them were dozing off.” Applause to the way she brought her criticisms across. No big deal. Residents sometimes sleep in the middle of activities. Their mere presence at activities is, in some ways, a great improvement from being cooped up in their rooms.

Non-action (passive-aggressiveness?)
DT (with an accusing look): “Oh, Grace (a resident) came at 0900hr (time the group was scheduled to start) and she left because you were not around, maybe next time you can come in earlier”

This is a prime example of a non-action. The normal response would be to ask the resident to wait for a while (“thanks for coming to the group. Why don’t you take a seat at one of the comfy chairs. We won’t be long, we are just trying to round up the rest of the residents”). My female owner was held up trying to bring up some residents for the group and yes, she came in 30mins earlier that morning.

Conclusion: B***h.

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook