Thursday, September 02, 2010


Today my female owner celebrates the first day of spring. She woke up in a super happy mood coz God really surprised her. (She had been praying recently, asking God to surprise her). For one, she finally booked a ticket back to Singapore at the end of the year (yay!). And then, she found out that her friend is also in the same flight as her. Double yay! And more importantly, her housemate told her last night that she didn’t need to move out of the house at the end of the year, because the mother decided to continue renting the house to her. YAY!!!! Such an unexpected turn of events.

And it’s spring today and somehow, it makes things better, psychologically for my female owner. Like a new beginning for her, as she embarks (prematurely coz her thesis is not yet submitted) on an ambivalence phase of life. She is looking forward to more surprises from God. She knows He has more in store for her.

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook