Monday, August 02, 2010


My female owner just submitted her Notice of Submission, i.e. she is officially notifying the school of her intended submission date of her thesis. Having stated 30 Aug 2010 as her deadline, she is now regretting her lack of foresight in not giving herself some buffer time and declaring such a bold deadline (For those who don’t know, her thesis is actually due in Oct).

So she is in her final month of school and she is starting to feel the heat. The heat of getting her thesis written up and the heat of knowing that she has little plans beyond August. The high-achieving side of her which screams that she should be doing more with her time and the fun-loving side of her wanting to enjoy life even while writing her thesis. These days, she gets cranky easily and her friends suffer the brunt of her unintended sarcasm and snappiness. That’s why during such times, she rather be alone, so that she doesn’t step on anybody’s toes or ruffle any feathers. But ah, she is often surrounded by people, friends who bless her richly with their support, practical help and undying patience.

Still, she is cranky. She felt it within her today as she went out with her friends for dinner. She caught herself with great determination and reminded herself not to say or do anything that she would regret later. My female owner was not sure if she succeeded but she did her best to stay on safe topics.

4 more weeks.


Anonymous said...

woman! jia you! you can do whatever you put your mind to!!


p2 said...

thank you!! haiz... i think i cant meet the deadline i set for myself but most certainly can submit sth in sept (cross-fingers!)

My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook