Saturday, October 17, 2009


My female owner had a strange day, all because of her avoidance tendency. She finally decided that she would like to move out of her current place as soon as possible to a friend's house. She had been contemplating on this for more than a month. In fact, when Second Onli Fren was here, she put some pressure on my female owner to speak to her housemates about her moving out, and even offered to broach the subject with them. My female owner decided against it then, coz she was not ready to drop the bombshell.

Late last night, my female owner decided that she would move out. However, she’s really bad at discussing such issues. She felt that they would be angry, even though contractually, she was not bonded to any agreement, except that she had to give 2 weeks’ notice. Hence, she crafted a lousy, CMI (cannot make it) plan. She would write a letter to her housemates (sometimes she would do that to inform them of her whereabouts or talk about the excessive internet usage), leave it on the table and escape till late at night to yes, avoid them. She didn’t dare to see their reaction to the news and wanted to talk to them only after the anticipated initial shock (i.e. tomorrow).

So she camped in school, doing her laundry list of things. Until about 3pm, one of her church friends jioed her for lunch (?!). She responded and ended up in Sunnybank (20mins’ drive away). Because she was avoiding being home, she returned to school again to do her work. That was about 5pm.

At 6pm, another church friend jioed her for dinner (with some others) at his house in St Lucia. For some divine reason, she managed to get a lift from someone to go to his house (actually just mins away from her own house). Dinner ended at 8pm. Different people had different plans. One of the gals had to go back to work. My female owner felt that it was too early to go home (coz they would still be awake). So she requested to be dropped off at school again.

And she is still in school.. It's almost midnight. All because she don’t dare to go home, even though she didn’t do anything wrong. Onli Fren mused that she actually ran away from home! This anxiety is becoming irrational. My female owner even started wishing that someone would jio her out for supper. What’s wrong with her?

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook