Saturday, August 16, 2008


My female owner says that today is a “bad day” in terms of her confidence and stress level. She had set aside the day to plan for her research project which is so big that it will take a dedicated year (and AUD24 000) to complete.

My female owner found that she was unable to conceptualise her research question with her greatest fear revolving around being able to recruit enough participants. She was confronted with a lot of uncertainties and pressing deadlines. She desperately needs to churn out a research proposal and the ethics application by next weekend. Not to mention, the other academic requirements screaming for her attention this week. As such, her stress level accelerated skyward.

So she ended up binge-eating. The first time since she returned to Brisbane. A bar of Boost, a slice of peanut butter bread and a box of pokey… right after dinner (laksa and bubble tea). The post-dinner binge adds up to about 4000KJ, half of her energy needs in a day. Now she feels even more lousy.

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook