Monday, February 01, 2010


My female owner woke up with a vengeance today. She was determined not to let her emo-ness get the better of her. After all, if God is for her, who can be against her, right?

She did an extra-long quiet time, struggled her way through three songs (new chords and all that) and read an obscure book in the bible.

Then, she went off for her first flute lesson in 2 years! Some readers are familiar with her horror stories with her former flute teacher who, although was a nice man, was the typical eccentric musician where you never know if it would be a good day.

This teacher was markedly different. He came from a sound theoretical base, infusing theory into practice, tying in science with art. He was able to do what she always wanted her flute teacher to do – identify her flaws and show her ways of improving. Even with the first note she blew, he could pick out the issues. It was certainly the most fruitful flute lesson she ever had. Rather than just learning to play the notes, she was given clear directions on how to improve her techniques.

The funny thing he pointed out was that her right hand was slower than her left hand in pressing the buttons. It was strange, considering that she is right-handed. My female owner reckons the greater dexterity in her left hand was due to her guitar playing since chords are formed with the left hand. Hmm… so natural weakness can be trained to become better. Good news for her.

Alas, he didn’t come cheap. My female owner really needs a job, if she hopes to continue learning under him. Actually, she’s not sure why she is investing so much time, money and effort into flute. She’s just drawn towards it (hopefully she will find a guy who can play the guitar or piano well, so that they can do duets together!).

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My siblings and I

My siblings and I
From top left: Dodo, Dona, me (Nooki) and Nanook